Speed Online is Free. This story began on the day when an unknown car enthusiast, Grigory Yakovlev, beat famous athletes in a car he had built himself. The head of the design bureau liked his car, who invited the young racing driver to his laboratory...
- Genre: Drama
- Country: Soviet Union
- Director: Dmitriy Svetozarov
- Cast: Aleksey Batalov, Dmitriy Kharatyan, Merle Talvik, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Angelina Stepanova, Baadur Tsuladze, Gennadiy Bogachyov, Nikolay Fomenko, Yelena Anderegg, Valentina Egorenkova, Viktor Mikhaylov, Olga Viklandt, Irina Kovalenko, Vera Lipstok, Anatoly Slivnikov, Andrei Gusev, Boris Aleksandrov, Nikolay Vashchilin, Valeriy Kosoy, Romuald Makarenko,